As the world slowly emerges from the economic slowdown and as companies look to return to growth, the professional services and training sectors and the value they generate have come under scrutiny like never before. Axiom has many years experience in developing communications campaigns around people, business and management issues and helping you establish that collective story that sets your business apart and ahead of your competitors.
Cegos Group is Europe’s largest training and learning and development company, providing customised and ‘off-the-shelf’ training solutions to some of the world’s leading blue-chip, public sector, and SME organisations.
Axiom has been providing a wide variety of marketing and communications activities to Cegos’ UK division to put the company on the map outside its native France. Activities have included media training, a number of issues-led articles by senior Cegos executives, the roll-out of a customer newsletter, the securing of speaking opportunities, and support at industry trade shows. Axiom secured a monthly column for Cegos’ UK Managing Director in the leading UK publication, Training Journal, providing a platform to expand on the latest issues in the training market.
Axiom also recently drafted an authoritative white paper: “Exploring & Interpreting the Most Important Learning Trends Across the Globe” and have provided support to Cegos’ international activities in Brazil, the United States and the Middle East.
Meyler Campbell is the UK’s leading business coaching training company, training and developing senior business people to coach in demanding contexts, and hosting Europe’s most dynamic learning community for business coaches and leaders.
Axiom has been working with Meyler Campbell for over five years. In addition to working with trade publications, Axiom has been supporting Meyler Campbell’s research efforts with authoritative green papers and summaries of alumni events. Recent topics that Axiom has developed papers on include ‘Career Transitions and the Role of Coaching’, ‘The Science of High Performance Ageing’, and ‘Psychopaths in the Boardroom - An Overview of the Modern-Day Corporate Psychopath.’